
Mission: The Save Bernheim Now Coalition strives to mitigate the climate crisis by opposing the Bullitt County pipeline and all new fossil fuel infrastructure. By engaging Kentuckians to demand that LGE-KU act in the best interest of its customers, the public, and the environment, we are standing up for the protection of vital wildlife and the human right to clean, affordable energy and a sustainable future.

Bernheim was notified in the fall of 2022 that LG&E is taking them to court to condemn land to run a high-pressure methane gas transmission pipeline. Bernheim is using its scarce resources to handle the court battle. It is up to those of us who love Bernheim and oppose new destructive fossil fuel initiatives to fight this battle elsewhere. Below is information about the pipeline and why LG&E should not be permitted to run it on Bernheim property.

Latest News

2nd Anniversary of Save Bernheim Now
November 17, 2024
Video here.

Past News

Earth Day Rally
April 22

    220 W Main St, Louisville

Secretary Rebecca Goodman
March 2024

    Met with Kentucky’s Energy and Environment Cabinet Secretary, Sec. Rebecca Goodman, to deliver 10,000 signed petitions and ask for her support in this effort

Pioneer News
January 2024

    OpEd published in the Pioneer News, Bullitt County’s local paper

Community Support
May 2023

    The Coalition also was busy at several community events collecting names and putting out yard signs. Speaking of — we have yard signs and T-shirts that are useful in spreading the word and creating broader community support. If you would like a yard sign or T-Shirt; and/or if you're willing to help get these out in your community, contact All Peoples at (502) 425-6943 or office@allpeoplesuu.com.

Press Conference
April 2023

The Age of Extinction
February 10th, 2023

January 10th

  • Bullitt County Circuit Court
    250 Frank E Simon Ave,
    Shepherdsville, KY 40165
  • Dec. 5, 2022
  • This event has ended.

Pipeline Issues

Violates Bernheim’s Conservation Easement

Bernheim has a conservation easement. If LG&E wins in court, this will set a terrible precedent for allowing access to private undeveloped natural lands with conservation easements by other utility companies throughout Kentucky and beyond.

Environmental Damage

There will be serious environmental damage resulting from the construction and maintenance of this pipeline – its route is through fragile and significant land, including important habitat that serves as a wildlife corridor connecting several natural preserves.

Fire Risk

Related to the above, the land through which this pipeline will be run includes numerous sinkholes, further increasing instability and making it unacceptable for a gas pipeline. Should the pipeline rupture due to this instability and gas explosions occur, Bernheim’s forest will be subject to fire, which would further damage habitat and place the lives of rural residents at risk.


The financial cost of running a pipeline through this land is likely to be much higher than early estimates. Given the instability of the land, the repair costs to the pipeline are likely to be considerable over the years. Additionally, should an explosion result in a forest fire or loss of human life, many question whether LG&E will be able to obtain insurance on the pipeline. This should be a concern to ratepayers in Louisville and surrounding areas – it is the ratepayers who will ultimately pay.

Fossil Fuel Focus

LG&E should be investing its dollars in sustainable forms of energy, not fossil fuels, to mitigate the impact on climate change and meet its fossil fuel goals. The current estimate to construct the pipeline is $74 million although with current supply chain issues and inflation, a guess of well over $100 million is not unlikely. Spending this sum of money to further support fossil fuel use is out of step with the imperative to move toward renewable forms of energy.

Is It Needed?

It is questionable as to whether this pipeline is needed at all. One of the major users of energy in the area this pipeline is intended to serve is Jim Beam. Jim Beam recently announced that it will meet a majority of its energy needs through renewable biogas production, thus obviating Jim Beam's need for this pipeline.


What we've done so far and our future plans.

Take Action

Sign the petition!
In addition to your membership, donate to Bernheim’s Land Protection Fund at Bernheim.org
Write letters (and have your children write letters!)
Join the coalition! SaveBernheimNow@gmail.com

Sign the Petition

Join the 9,500+ people who have signed the petition.